July 2023 Learn the Planet Notes
Tuesday 25 July 2023
Borrowed concepts
- Biome: a biogeographical unit consisting of a biological community that has formed in response to the physical environment
- Climate: the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years. More rigorously, it is the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years. meteorological variables
- temperature
- humidity
- atmospheric pressure
- wind
- precipitation
- atmosphere
- hydrosphere
- cryosphere
- lithosphere
- biosphere
The Genesis Project
The Genesis project consists of three steps.- Searching for transiently habitable planets.
- Sending interstellar robotic crafts for detailed investigations.
- Seeding the candidate planet with in situ synthesized lifeforms.
World building
Worldbuilding on stack exchangeTerraforming
Terraforming habitability requirements- Temperature
- Water
- Energy
- Elements
Thursday 27 July 2023
Pros- Familiarity in environment e.g. when hiking better able to see/perceive what is there
- Sense of greater awareness and acuity (visual and to a lesser extent, auditory)
- Some kind of 'deeper' (atavistic) knowledge, or satisfaction/relief
- Record of observations (iNaturalist) shows progress, expresses knowledge
- Context: knowledge has meaning in place; knowledge in situ equates to control/power/meaning/security/comfort
- Context: mismatch between knowledge and needs when needs satisified by global supply chains
- Frustration: knowledge has little or no purpose day to day (and for essentials of life)
- Unease: species that are of daily use are often non-native
- Powerless: little or no control over necessities of daily life; which may be fine until things go wrong
- Universal filter and sort functions that can act on: date/time, place, source (person/place)
Use cases- Filter species by date
- Filter scores by correct/incorrect
- Sort species by date
- Sort traits by frequency
- Filter species by species observed
- Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide | The Royal Society
- The UK’s Top Food Imports And Where They Come From
- Explicitly link to iNaturalist
- Login or name look up
- Option to create custom lesson
- Or pick from curated lessons
- Create blank filter
- Update filter (optional) i.e. taxa type/s (plantae) or level (species)
- Request species/observations
- Compare observed species with supported species; determine what options are available
- Basic test limited to name, common name, visual identification
- Possible additional tests for commonality (#observations), the parent group (?) and location (atlas)
- Number of items
- Whether sorted/ordered
- Taxa
- Research Grade
- Optional incorrect answers
- User feedback: tag poor images
- Number of items
- Whether sorted/ordered
- Taxa
- Union (with LTP species)
Friday 28 July 2023Research
Saturday 29 July 2023Objectives
- Mark start of phase
- Basic version using raw iNat data
- Create standard, universal, calls and arguments
- Ask for feedback based on this UI
- Mark end of phase
Sunday 30 July 2023Objectives continued…
- Least number of clicks or keyboard shortcuts to acheive aim cf. The Verb
- Trial different UIs
- Vanilla JS?