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It's the jobs that got small

I started building websites in 1997. They didn't contain my first code - I'd written BASIC on a BBC Micro as a boy - but they marked a new direction after working in film and television.

This was at the peak of the first dot-com boom when anything seemed possible. I had an idea for an app that let you hail a taxi wherever you were. Another required massive screens to be installed in public venues - such as cafes and bars - for people to leave messages on.

To my surprise I'm still writing code 25 years later.

Job titles in web software development are quicksilver. Some describe roles - webmaster, web developer, full stack, front or back end developer, product engineer - others are merely descriptive of the immediate tools to hand - .NET developer, React developer.

Titles are required for a contract and are a useful shorthand for what a person needs to know and do but they fall short of describing how people interact, what interests them, and their know-how.

I am currently scouring job boards for a new position but I'm not finding any matches.

Here are some things I enjoy doing and that I'm good at:

  • Talking to the people who use the software I'm building
  • Finding out what is needed
  • Finding out what is wanted
  • Having long team meetings
  • Pair programming and pairing with non programmers
  • Creating prototypes
  • Seeking and receiving feedback
  • Writing tests, especially integration tests
  • Writing code
  • Designing interfaces
  • Adhering to and promoting web standards including for accessibility and sustainability
  • Releasing code
  • Pausing and reflecting

In praise of long meetings

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